Nygyl bryyN

Nygyl bryyN

Nygyl bryyN is a musician, entrepreneur, and CEO/founder of the independent Heavy Metal record label Power bacK Productions. Nygyl  has been a Heavy Metal musician since the 90’s, Nygyl bryyN has run into extreme difficulty since the beginning of his music career. He has found that Heavy Metal is a challenging genre to be in. Through the years Nygyl  has worked hard to find honest, hard working musicians to work with, venues to play in, and establishing a fan base. The biggest challenge was finding fair treatment and services for the taboo genre. The series of events led to him founding and becoming the CEO of Power bacK Productions.

Nygyl bryyN, Nygyl bryyN

In 2008, Nygyl bryyN had to endure much personal and professional hardship, the United States fell into an economic recession, and he found himself being homeless. Whatever work he did find was far outside of the music industry and was for very low pay. It was then he decided that he had nothing to lose with a definite decision to work exclusively in the music industry. The same day of that decision, he met Andrew McColley at Circle K. Andrew is the owner of Underdog Studios in Mesa, Arizona. After a brief conversation, the two became friends, and Nygyl became an intern. Nygyl was getting the education and experience he was longing for, he picked up skills and knowledge in recording, mixing and mastering and sound engineering. Andrew introduced Nygyl to the Goathead Saloon and The Big fish Pub where he worked as a sound engineer. Now he was confident in both the studio and in live settings. In addition, he was meeting many musicians and others who worked in the industry.

Finally in 2006, after a long list of lineup changes he established an official lineup. After being ripped off and taken advantage of several times by record labels and recording studios, started to learn as much as possible about recording, production, promotion, and distribution. The motivation behind this ambition was his band AscensioN. In 2007, Nygyl interned at Head Hurtz Records. He worked for free in exchange for knowledge and experience. Later that year, he made a deal with the independent label. He put up several thousand dollars of sound enforcement (speakers and Power amps) up front in anticipation of 1,500 physical copies of his 15 track album to be released with a 15 page insert. When Nygyl received one terribley mixed recording on one burned disc that was handed over loosely without even a paper sleeve, he was devastated. When he asked for his gear back he was told that maybe one day he could buy it back.  Needless to say, Nygyl quit Head Hurtz Records. As a result, his band mates lost faith in him and AscensioN broke up.

In 2007, Nygyl was stopped for driving with a suspended license. About one tenth of a gram of marijuana was found in the ashtray of the car he was driving. The charges were dismissed without prejudice only to be brought back up in 2008. He was found guilty of a class 6 felony aggravated DUI. In 2009 he was released, the prison sentence was a devastating blow to his reputation and career. His passion however was still intact.


Nygyl attempted several times to reassemble his band AscensioN. Not finding the passion and drive in his band mates, he decided to put his band on the back burner. He spent the next two years studying production and the industry itself. He gave guitar lessons and worked as a pro tools tutor for students of The Conservatory of Recording Arts and Sciences for a handful of students from both campuses in Tempe and Gilbert, Arizona.

With all of the skills he acquired, he decided that he should start a record label. He came up with a list of names that were synonymous with freedom and liberation. This list was then put into an online poll where the victor would be to “Power back Productions”.


In 2011 Nygyl decided to go back to his home state, Louisiana. He wanted the label to be born in the same place where he was born. The metal scene in Louisiana barely had a pulse. March 2, 2012 he obtained a business license for Power back Productions LLC filed with Louisiana secretary of state. The first band that was signed by the record label was Prisoner Massacre, a Metalcore band from Jakarta, Indonesia. Nygyl also helped many Louisiana bands such as Southern Whiskey Rebellion, White Light Cemetery, and Misanthropic Inoculation, just to name a few. In addition, he helped in several Heavy Metal festivals like the Halloween HTGT (Here Today Gone Tomorrow) Heavy Metal Music Fest put on by the band Harvester.


By the time Nygyl left Louisiana in 2013 to go meet people face to face , the Louisiana Metal scene was alive and well and is continuing to grow with the support of Power back. Today we are building new relations, gathering resources, and preparing to go to new levels. Nygyl is currently in school for real estate investment and is starting a real estate company entitled Power bacK Properties in order to acquire future funding for the record label.


Power bacK Booking✊🏽specializes in   E✘TREME    ME⸸AL Entertainment

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