Matthew Schoeffler

Matthew Schoeffler

 Matthew Schoeffler Has been a true lifetime friend with CEO Nygyl bryyN.  The two have been good friends since age 5. Growing up in Louisiana at the end of the 20th century, in the small town of Eunice, Louisiana, these guys were part of only a handful of people in the town who took interest in taboo subject matter such as the supernatural and paranormal, Pantera, Acid Bath, and other heavy metal bands. They shared a love of motorcycles, music and much more. 

  As it tends to happen, these kids became adults and went on to pursue life in different directions. Matthew went into Oceaneering and is presently a captain for Gulf Logistics in Louisiana. In addittion to being a hard worker and overachiever, he is also a family man. He is married with a son of his own. Nygyl went on to pursuit a career in music which led to the foundation of Power bacK Productions in 2012. They guys drifted apart for a while but always remained friends.

  In 2013, when the label was in it's newborn infancy, Nygyl was experienced a horrible chain of events including a devastating breakup. Having business in other states, Nygyl had to be on the road. As Nygyl was out making new relations and working on business development, Power bacK was facing impending doom on the home front. This is where Matthew stepped in. He took several trips to the closed studio to retrieve all of the gear, Nygyl's motorcycle and other possessions. In addition, he helped straighten up business affairs and helped the label survive. 

 Since then Matthew has done so much more behind the scenes work such as helping with business affairs for the state of Louisiana for Power back, storing and maintaining music gear. Overseeing gear rentals, and helping Nygyl with travel to and from Louisiana.

  Matthew is also an independent musician. In addition to playing guitar and working with Power bacK, he also works with the family owned venue "Le Chateau De Memoirs".  He enjoys live events and live music. 

 Pictured above is a throwback of Nygyl and Matt jammin' at Le Chateau De Memoirs

  We are very grateful for the loyalty and contributions from Matthew. He has played a major part in the early development and survival of this organization.

Louisiana Metal

 Louisiana has always been well know for having great musicians.  The Louisiana music scene is unique and well respected. Louisiana musicians have influenced musicians from all over the world. Known for jazz, blues, and gangster rap, but Louisiana has a great underground heavy metal scene. In the near future, we are going to go more in depth on Louisiana metal and the culture that goes with it.


Power bacK Booking✊🏽specializes in   E✘TREME    ME⸸AL Entertainment

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